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Where do I find notifications?
Veracity by DNV avatar
Written by Veracity by DNV
Updated over a week ago

Click on the bell-icon to go to notifications overview

After you log in to the platform, on top menu of Veracity pages you will find a bell-icon that shows notifications. The number in the orange dot, tells you how many new notifications you have. This number will decrease once you`ve read the notifications you have received.

Click on the bell-icon to access the notifications overview page.
Here you will have an overview of notifications listed per time.

You can receive notifications about:

- Your Veracity account (ID account you usually log in with)

- Veracity platform’s issues

- A service/data set that you are subscribed to

- Your company profile (if you are registered as a company administrator)

In addition to the notifications on this page, you may also receive a copy via email, if you have this function active in notification settings.

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